Our primary school

A school where we can live while enjoying our language in a facilitating and productive environment. We are an internationally recognized school approved by the Consellería de Educación and endorsed by NEASC. We follow the official curriculum with imagination, flexibility, and innovation. A school where we do not need textbooks because we do not want a publisher to decide what we are interested in learning. We adapt to our reality and look for the best proposals at each moment. A school with flexible and mixed age groups that favor relationships and blur differences. A project-based school that trusts children to seek their own learning paths and encourages their autonomy. A transformative school where the entire community works hand in hand with society and where our educational practice promotes critical and conscious children. A school in continuous contact with nature for enjoyment and direct study. An assembly school where all children are heard and opinions are taken into account to build a better reality. A feminist school that understands that we all have to work day by day for a purple future. An inclusive school that adapts to the needs of each child.

A school that shows that things, even in education, can be done differently!